Friday, December 16, 2011

Human Powered Snow Trail Groomer

Well, the snow is gone now. It will be back. So I'm thinking ahead. This doesn't look like a bad way to groom some snow trails. Maybe a narrower version would make more of a single track feel. A wood pallet cut in half might work well.


dale said...

I can see a three man team:
two snowshoe'ers creating a 3 shoe wide path followed by another pulling a 24-30" trail groomer.

DJ Chi Wai said...

As long as you're the one pulling that wood around. Looks like alot of work! Unless we could we rigged it to a few bikes...

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Stratomatica - is my blog place where I document things happening around me or that interest me. The name Strata, geologically speaking, are layers of sedimentary rock or soil with internally consistent characteristics that distinguish it from other layers. Too deep? Well, I like guitars. Mostly I like the sound and feel of Stratocasters.