Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Trail Walk

Walking Pete without Mickey last night was awkward to say the least. Maybe it was even more so for Pete but he couldn't tell me about it. He seemed happy enough to be out where he loves to be. It was our first trail walk since we had to put Mickey down on Monday. Mickey had some rapidly developing pain due to what we found out to be cancer. Our family was very lucky to have a great dog like Mickey. His adventurous and super playful personality got me through some tough times. He was a close friend to me and that makes him very hard for me to lose.

He was excellent at finding erosion on the trail.

He and his brother Pete were fantastic at showing girls a good time.

Mickey was the best tour guide to newcomers to the trail.

His face was joyous...

...even more when he was doing what he loved.


dale said...

Like many things in life, we don't know how much we have until we loose some of it. Though the Bible is not clear on dogs going to heaven, CS Lewis wrote that a master's relationship with God will apply to the dog's salvation needs. Regardless, a close relationship with a dog is very rewarding, and greatly missed.

We don't know how Pete is relating to this, nor if he may have had foreknowledge of Mickey's dire condition. But I know the two of you will go through the loss of Mickey together, creating new memories.

There is a time for grieving, and then time to move on. Don't miss this time for grieving.

John N said...

Real good post and tribute to Mickey, Paul. Great memories and good pics. Love, Mom & Dad

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Stratomatica - is my blog place where I document things happening around me or that interest me. The name Strata, geologically speaking, are layers of sedimentary rock or soil with internally consistent characteristics that distinguish it from other layers. Too deep? Well, I like guitars. Mostly I like the sound and feel of Stratocasters.