Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday Tranquility

I thought the trails would be too soft to ride after work yesterday. I was wrong. The trails dried up nice. Saw Dmars on the way to his Friday ride. I found him later on the third camel hump at Tranquility and we rode a lap together. Dmars was torturing himself with a highly geared single speed. I felt kind of guilty as I shifted thought my gears. The tom turkey was pissed off at us as we exited the Fort St Loop. He did not like us riding through his territory while he was chasing his hens and gobbled loudly at us. Much of the trails are mowed but still some needs to be. The blue sky and light winds were outstanding. Jodi, Cali, the dogs and I walked through the tree farm later that evening. We feel lucky to have this place close to our neighborhood.
dmars on the third hump

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Stratomatica - is my blog place where I document things happening around me or that interest me. The name Strata, geologically speaking, are layers of sedimentary rock or soil with internally consistent characteristics that distinguish it from other layers. Too deep? Well, I like guitars. Mostly I like the sound and feel of Stratocasters.