Lee finally finished restoring his 64 Fury Convertible. He's owned it for 18 years. He's been working on it for 9 years on and off. For two weeks in June Lee, his wife Linda, and members of the
Praire Region Plymouth Owners Club took a road trip to the Pacific Northwest. His 64 Fury pulled their teardrop camper.

They spent a couple of days in the Grand Tetons of Wyoming, then drove on to Portland for the
2010 National Plymouth Meet. While there, they toured up to see Mt. Saint Helens. After that they drove down the Oregon coast to the California redwoods, then over to Lake Tahoe.

From there they went to Reno and toured the
National Auto Museum -The Harrah Collection. Before heading home they made a stop at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

Last night Lee and Linda, Lee's brothers Loren and Les showed their 64 furys together at a car show on 84th and Park Drive. The Furys owned by Lee and Les came out of a junkyard on Colorado. These cars were saved from being crushed and scraped. Lee's is the green convertible. Les owns the red Fury Hardtop. Both of these have 318 V8 engines. Loren's is the brown Sport Fury with a big block 361. Les restored his red hardtop years ago. Loren finished his restoration last year so they have been urging Lee to finish his too. This is the first time these cars have ever been shown together. This is a very nice piece of Plymouth history in one place for the first time in 46 years. That math was easy because I was born in 1964.
Thanks for the photos and the details Lee - Super Cool Furys!