"Ah, my little darling, it is love at first sight, is it not, no?"...
Ahhhh... NO.
I'm looking out the back window this am just enjoying the quiet and watching the rain come down. Then there was movement. I was excited at first because I like to see wildlife. Then I remembered I was looking out in my backyard and the excitement quickly went away. As the rain was coming down a skunk trotted out from under the shed and waddled under the deck. Makes sense now, the dogs have been acting strange in the backyard for days. Now I can't let them go in the backyard until I know the thing is gone!
It's ironic, I was just talking with Dale about changing my bike commute route to avoid skunks in the morning and now I'm living with them.
So I took a look at the Nebraska Humain Society Website. Here is what I learned...
"If a skunk moves in under your deck or patio try this trick. Mix 8 ounces of castor oil, 8 ounces of dish detergent and 1 gallon of water. Spray the area liberally. To see if your skunk is still in residence lightly stuff balled up newspaper into the entry hole. If the paper is pushed out the next day—your skunk is still there."
I don't have any castor oil so I'm off to the store now.