Saturday, December 29, 2007

Winter Tranquility

It's Saturday afternoon on December 29th, 2007. The temperature gauge says 24 degrees. I needed some exercise today but didn't really feel like dealing with the wind chills of a bike ride.

Since the sun was shinning and there wasn't much wind I decided to walk the Tranquility Trails and I took my camera. These pictures will be fun to look at in July after a ride with a 115 degree heat index.

Happy New Year

- Paul

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Who is Stratomatic?

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Stratomatica - is my blog place where I document things happening around me or that interest me. The name Strata, geologically speaking, are layers of sedimentary rock or soil with internally consistent characteristics that distinguish it from other layers. Too deep? Well, I like guitars. Mostly I like the sound and feel of Stratocasters.