Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bob Trailer

The trailwork at Manawa was a long way from the trailhead last night. Good thing Dale had his Bob Trailer. He had it loaded up with two gas trimmers, a chainsaw, 3 loppers and some other stuff. We were able to get a good chunk of work done since we didn't have to walk all that gear in. Dickey had Dave N. updating the trail markers. Tom W. and I ran the weedwackers, and Dale ran the saw. There were some headbanger logs that needed to be taken out. Nice work THOR members!

Who is Stratomatic?

My photo
Stratomatica - is my blog place where I document things happening around me or that interest me. The name Strata, geologically speaking, are layers of sedimentary rock or soil with internally consistent characteristics that distinguish it from other layers. Too deep? Well, I like guitars. Mostly I like the sound and feel of Stratocasters.