I was riding the nicely manicured trails at Tranquility this evening. The crowds of riders were mostly leaving as I was getting started around 7:45PM. North of Fort close to the neighborhood homes I had to break hard for a real large raccoon that scurried across my path. He was afraid of me. Then as I headed toward the start finish on the south creek trail I scared up a deer that must have just started to bed down for the evening. It was also afraid of me. Then as I returned on the trail closest to the creek I saw these three young skunks. They were not afraid of me at all. I yelled, banged on my bike. Eventually they got in line, single file, and slowly trotted down the trail away from me. All the while I'm off my bike swatting mosquitoes waiting for these skunks to get off the trail. They finally did and I got by without any skunk on me.
It's race weekend at Lewis and Clark/Tranquility so I am wishing everyone safe, fun, and skunk smell free racing!