While visiting friends in the La Crosse, WI area I stopped at Human Powered Trails for a ride. I only rode a few of the many trails but they were fun and well maintained. I met Dan Luebke while I was out riding. Dan is the president of Human Powered Trails and he was getting ready for a trail work night. Since I didn't need to be anywhere till after 8PM I told him I would chip in and help. About 10 others showed up even though it was raining a little. They have an awesome enclosed trailer to house all the trail work tools. The grant they got for a ditch-witch really impressed me too! I met the trail crew and they are a great bunch of dedicated riders.
Bonus: Cold PBRs when the work is done! Gotta love Wisconsin...

Parked at Human Powered Trails on the bluffs high above La Crosse, WI